The 24/7 Learning Academy
The 24/7 Learning Academy is a place where professional are ready to inspire young minds and help them with their studies .we help, assist and guide young , teenagers and students .
The 24/7 Learning Academy
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Registration date : 2007-12-17

30 Ultimate Windows 10 Tips and Tricks for 2020 Empty 30 Ultimate Windows 10 Tips and Tricks for 2020

Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:15 pm
1. Windows-V 0:40
2. Snip & Sketch 1:48
3. Aero Shake 3:31
4. Snap Assist 3:52
5. Dictation 4:45
6. Dark Mode 5:55
7. Night Light 6:47
8. Calculator 7:34
9. Nearby Sharing 9:06
10. Focus Assist 10:28
11. Calendar Event 11:54
12. Hide Desktop Icons 13:23
13. Secret Windows Menu 14:00
14. Windows Switch 14:26
15. PowerToys 14:53
16. Storage Sense 17:03
17. Startup Programs 17:58
18. God Mode 18:41
19. Show People 20:08
20. Reliability Monitor 22:10
21. Windows Reset 23:45
22. EarTrumpet 24:58
23. Virtual Desktops 26:25
24. Keyboard Shortcuts 27:49
25. Background Apps 28:58
26. Emoji 29:43
27. Default Apps 30:02
28. Troubleshooter 31:02
29. Steps Recorder 32:03
30. Visual Search 33:29

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