The 24/7 Learning Academy
The 24/7 Learning Academy is a place where professional are ready to inspire young minds and help them with their studies .we help, assist and guide young , teenagers and students .
The 24/7 Learning Academy
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Number of posts : 1101
Age : 63
Registration date : 2007-12-17

A thank you message Empty A thank you message

Sun May 19, 2024 9:44 pm
Since I started my new occupation as a Head of the Parents' Association in Taher Djebbar Middle School . I found the school staff and the teachers very dedicated to the cause of education.
Let me talk on behalf of the parents' association Mr Benffada, Mr Djahafi, Mr Oumer and Mr Missoum
We all believe that every child is looked at as an individual and we are making sure that every child is given the right opportunity to succeed.
Today, May19th at 01pm , we were really honored to attend a thank you party for the Teachers which was organized by 4th grade pupils .
On behalf of all parents I thank all the school staff , the teachers and Wish the pupils the best of luck on their BEM exam !

A thank you message 443818298_7833283196723573_3126448335833915429_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_eui2=AeGxMYi-3mPvBKX3qzFOuNw3pMiTsrdDlDykyJOyt0OUPAFROGJuOWIJ8-Dfs14Wl6BMQomfmQvgjMvz8wWTjHkX&_nc_ohc=PIKo7MwO0KYQ7kNvgGZoyfX&_nc_ht=scontent.fcfk1-2
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