The 24/7 Learning Academy
The 24/7 Learning Academy is a place where professional are ready to inspire young minds and help them with their studies .we help, assist and guide young , teenagers and students .
The 24/7 Learning Academy
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Number of posts : 1098
Age : 63
Registration date : 2007-12-17

How does"wetransfer" work? Empty How does"wetransfer" work?

Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:58 am
]center]It's free     Send up to 2GB 
No Regidtration  Simple  AND  Secure 
  left arrow " Arrow
General Questions

       How does it work?
       It's simple!

  • Select the file(s) you want to send by clicking on the "+"
  • Fill in the receiver's email addresses
    (up to 20) and your own email address
  • Write a message to your recipients (optional)
  • Hit the 'Transfer' button, and the files are uploaded to the WeTransfer servers

the file(s) have reached your intended recipients, you receive an email
that confirms that we have received the file(s). In that email you will
also find a link to our website where you can find
anything you want to know about WeTransfer. When the file(s) is
downloaded, you get an email that notifies you that the recipient has
received your files successfully.
       Do I need to  register?

No. WeTransfer is and will always be registration free.
       Do I have to  pay?

         No. We are completely free.
       How much GB can  I upload?

         You can upload 2GB per transfer. It doesn’t matter whether it is one file  or 100.  
       How often can I  upload?

         As often as you want!
  To how many  people can I send files?

         You can send your files to up to 20 people. Just separate the email  addresses with a “,” or a space.
sending a file to several people, will the recipients see the other
email addresses I’ve sent it too? (like a CC in an email)

         No. Each email is sent separately, so they will all think they’re special.

      How long are my  files available to download?

         2 weeks. After that, the files will be permanently deleted to make room  for new transfers.
       Can I delete  files on my own?

         No, but they will be automatically deleted after 2 weeks.
       Do you save the  files?

         No, we are not saving your files. We are just helping you to send them  from A to B. So you still need to file them.
       Do the files  stay on my Hard disk?

         Yes. The WeTransfer system simply copies the file onto our servers.
       Do you check  the files that are sent?

No. WeTransfer is all about trust. We trust you and you can trust us.
We don't care what you send as long as it does not conflict with our
terms. If you use our service, you automatically agree with our
conditions, which you can find in the Terms and Privacy Statement.How secure is  your service?

Very secure! We use a special encryption technology when files are
transferred. Once the files are stored with us, they can only be
accessed using links that are send to the sender and receiver. These
links are basically impossible to guess. What happens with all these email addresses of people sending and receiving files via WeTransfer?

Nothing. They will never be shared with third parties or used for any other purpose then the file transfer.

Since we began end of 2009, we have
delivered more than 100 million files to people in just about every
corner of the world for free. We love what we do and we think that it
shows. We keep it simple and secure. We transfer digital files
today…who knows what we’ll transfer tomorrow.

Who we are.

WeTransfer is a free platform in transferring large digital files up to
2GB per transfer. We can transfer any type of file - such as
presentations, photos, videos, music, documents and more.

Our mission.

believe in simplicity. We think file transferring should be simple and
for everyone. We want to create a platform where anyone in the world
can send large files stress free.[/center]

Last edited by HAMADA on Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:39 pm; edited 6 times in total
Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2012-11-15
http://H.S ELT

How does"wetransfer" work? Empty Re: How does"wetransfer" work?

Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:25 am
This is definitely useful.Thank you ,sir!

How does"wetransfer" work? 836134
Number of posts : 1098
Age : 63
Registration date : 2007-12-17

How does"wetransfer" work? Empty Re: How does"wetransfer" work?

Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:58 pm
How does"wetransfer" work? ShamrockSparkleYoureWelcome
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How does"wetransfer" work? Empty Re: How does"wetransfer" work?

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