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First Term Test (Make Peace 2AS) Empty First Term Test (Make Peace 2AS)

Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:54 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Zoubida Ould kablya secondary school


Part one: Reading comprehension
Read the text carefully thendo the activities.

The United Nations GeneralAssembly has created a special day to celebrate Nelson Mandela. July 18th,Mandela’s birthday, is now officially Nelson Mandela International Day. The UNsaid it decided to create this occasion to say thank you to a“great man”. The day celebrates Mandela’s contributions towards improving racerelations and human rights.

Nelson Mandela led the fight against apartheidin South Africa for several decades. He spent 26 years in prison for hisefforts. Finally, he was freed in 1990. He worked tirelessly to help SouthAfrica move toward reconciliation and a multi-racial democracy. In 1994, hebecame his country’s first black president and served for fiveyears before stepping
down in 1999. He has won many awards in his life, butperhaps his greatest is the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He is today one of theworld’s most respected statesmen.


1/Are the following statements true or false according to the text? (2pts)

a. The United Nations General Assembly has made a world day to honor NelsonMandela.
b. Nelson Mandela Day is the day he was freed from prison.
c. Nelson Mandela has won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
d. Nelson Mandela spent 26 years in prison.

2/ what or who do the underlined words in the text referto? (2pts)

It (§1) country (§2)

3/a. Find in the text words closest in meaningto First Term Test (Make Peace 2AS) Sad 1pt)
Numerous (§2) = battle (§2) =

b. Find in the textwords opposite in meaning to: (1pt)
lost (§1) ≠ duties (§1) ≠


1. Put the verbs between brackets in the correcttense: (4 pts)

a. In 1994 Nelson Mandela (become) a president.

b. Today Mandela (be) 94 years old.

c. The UN (not/do) everything to stop wars.

d. One day prince William (rain) the Great Britain.

4. A Fill in theblanks with: was able to, can’t, or will be able to: (3 pts)

a. The United Nations general assembly…………..………………………...….. make decisionsabout wars in Syria.

b. China ……………………………..….join the Security Council soon because of itseconomic power.

c.During his first presidential mandate, Barrack Obama
……..………………………….…..…createmore friendly relationships with African countries.

4.B Circle the right answer: (2pts)

1- My teacher doesn’t come today; she must be ill.
a- deduction b-prohibition c- obligation

2- People don’t need to make war to prove their strength
a- probability b- nonobligation c- obligation

5- Mark the intonation at the end of each sentence withan arrow: or (1.5pts)

a. Is Barrack Obama a black man?

b- NelsonMandela was freed in 1990.

c- Could you answer my question, please?

Number of posts : 1
Age : 25
Location : algeria
Registration date : 2017-11-07

First Term Test (Make Peace 2AS) Empty Re: First Term Test (Make Peace 2AS)

Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:37 pm
thank you very much. It really helped. Could you provide me with the correction,please?
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