The 24/7 Learning Academy
The 24/7 Learning Academy is a place where professional are ready to inspire young minds and help them with their studies .we help, assist and guide young , teenagers and students .
The 24/7 Learning Academy
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Number of posts : 1117
Age : 64
Registration date : 2007-12-17

Do you want to improve your primary teaching skills? Empty Do you want to improve your primary teaching skills?

Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:21 pm
British Council Algeria

Do you want to improve your primary teaching skills?
Then you’ll want to know all about our new online Primary Essentials course!
– Here’s what one teachers has just said about it:
“I think friendship was one of the main strengths of the course. I
learned not only valuable things like what younger and older learners
need to learn, but also I met hardworking, friendly people from
different countries. This course connects people worldwide with learning opportunities, creative ideas and builds lasting relationships...”
– Start date: 14th January 2013
– For more information and details about how you can apply for the course, check

Do you want to improve your primary teaching skills? 542834_478642848842931_1089752772_n
Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2012-11-15
http://H.S ELT

Do you want to improve your primary teaching skills? Empty Re: Do you want to improve your primary teaching skills?

Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:15 pm
This is really great!It seems like an excellent oportunity for every teacher

of English.I hope it would be at the reach of everyone.

Thank you so much,sir.
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